Bill began flying aerobatics in 1990, competing in International Aerobatic Club (IAC) sanctioned contests. Flying in his 1976 Bellanca Citabria, he won numerous 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies in the Sportsman and Intermediate Categories.
Bill flew his first airshow in 1991. Using the precision that was attained from flying competition Bill would display the aerobatic capabilities of the Citabria. The highlight of the show was dead-stick aerobatics and landing. This part of the performance consisted of shutting off the engine at 2500 feet above the runway and then performing a barrel roll, 1 1/2 turn spin, loop, inverted flight and landing all with the engine off.

Bill now flies a homebuilt Pitts S-1 that he and his dad built.
Possible aviation related services that Bill can provide could include aerial photography and videography, small event flyovers to possibly coincide with a national anthem performance or funeral. We have even handled aerial spreading of ashes.
Bill is based at Parker Field (SC47) in Simpsonville, SC.